Objects of the Highway One Trust
Funding process
The policy of Highway One is for the trustees and supporting staff and researchers to identify potential recipient organisations. We do not respond to unsolicited applications.
The Charity’s Purpose
The Charity's purpose is of general benefit to the public as it will make grants to other organisations, and therefore will indirectly advance the benefits provided by those charities. In addition, the Charity will support other organisations by non-financial means, helping those organisations to fulfil their own charitable purposes.
The Charity’s Objects
The Charity has wide objects, enabling it to benefit any purpose which is charitable under the law of England and Wales.
The trustees will achieve the Charity's purpose primarily by making grants and providing support and advice to other registered UK charities and to international charities, or to other non-profit making bodies, running programs relating to the Charity's objects.
Grants will be made, and support and advice offered to, such charities and on such terms as the trustees consider are most appropriate to further the Charity's objects.
At present, the trustees expect that the Charity will primarily seek to benefit charities (and other non-profit making organisations) who work/provide support in the following areas:
Disfiguring medical conditions
Supporting medical projects in the developing world in particular those conditions which receive little attention and/or where existing provision is inadequate, including:
- Cleft lip and palate and related craniofacial conditions
- Burns victims and other disfiguring conditions
Mental health
Supporting projects and communities dealing with all types of mental health issues:
- Mental health issues caused by isolation and loneliness
- Befriending projects
- Local groups using innovative ways to provide community support
- Cafes, walking groups and other types of activities that provide support for groups suffering with particular issues such dementia, bereavement, or anxiety
Prison and injustice
Working for improvement of conditions and help for those:
- Facing difficult prison conditions anywhere in the world
- Who are or may be victims of injustice or unfairness
- Who have been punished in a way which was disproportionate way to the offences committed
- Needing rehabilitation and training to help them prepare for life and work after prison
- Facing challenges as families and friends of prisoners
Poverty, economic regeneration and homelessness
Assisting individuals and communities to raise themselves out of poverty and subsistence by:
- Providing support for building small or medium sized businesses and enterprises
- Supporting microfinance and finance objectives in areas of economic hardship and decline
- Supporting charities and initiatives working to alleviate the effects of poverty by:
- Helping individuals who are currently in poverty to support themselves financially
- Finding stable accommodation of a decent standard
Internet and mobile networks
- Supporting initiatives and research to improve standards on the Internet or the mobile networks or future equivalents
- Seeking and supporting the responsibility of those providing Internet services, social media and networks, and also those using them
- Supporting efforts to research and demonstrate whether and how damage may be caused to individuals and groups. For example, damage to self image or patterns of behavior such as bullying, extreme behaviours or beliefs, sexual exploitation or abuse. Investigating how these impacts can be addressed and countered.
- Working to ensure that criminal or reckless behaviour on the Internet, including fraud, scams, sexual abuse, general abuse is addressed by the relevant authorities, Internet providers and publishers with appropriate sanctions and law enforcement
- Where appropriate, defending against controlling and poorly conceived government regulation, and monopolistic behavior by either the private or public sector
As part of its support for this area, Highway One has researched and published a review of the organisations involved in combatting cyberabuse. Click here to view our detailed report.
Supporting work, research and social programmes to promote and achieve better understanding of the needs, pressures, challenges and contributions of single people in society, community and religious practice, including:
- Identifying the causes and trends in singleness in society
- Assisting places of religious practice to understand and serve their single members
- Helping single people to live fulfilled lives
Single can include never married, separated, divorced or widowed.
Christianity – freedom, education, innovation, vision, reflection and protection
Supporting those seeking to practise Christianity and other religions so there is:
- Freedom from persecution, marginalisation and attacks on religious practice
- Education, innovation and vision in religious practice
- Opportunities for retreats and special places, contemplation and religious study and worship
- Improvement of facilities, resources and practices where it benefits communities
The trustees expect that this list of causes will grow as time goes by, as particularly as the experiences of the trustees (and the Charity's principal donors) develop.